Me llamo Jacob y soy un ilustrador amateur, el blog tiene la intensión de ser una fuente donde pueda compartir mi experiencia, conocimiento y habilidad para aquellos que les interesa el dibujo ya sea como un hobbie o como un área de desarrollo.
Pretendo que esto sea un compendio de todos aquellos amantes de este arte, los que siempre acostumbran dibujar en clase, tiempo libre, trayecto a nuestras casas, escuelas, trabajos, siempre llevamos una libreta y un lápiz, una aplicación en nuestros reproductores inteligentes o tabletas, como si fueran parte de nosotros y no podemos evitar hacer sketchs cuando una idea golpea nuestra mente, crear personajes, ambientes, o simplemente dibujar alguna imagen que se nos presenta de imprevisto en la calle. Todos aquellos que tenemos callo en los dedos con que sostenemos el lápiz o pluma o simplemente a todos los que les llama la atención todo este tipo de trabajos sabiendo apreciar la creatividad de aquellos que lo hacen.
Espero hacer este espacio le sea de su interés, durante el transcurso de esta semana subiré el primer tema a tratar.
Recuerden: Dibujar todos los días los ayuda a ir mejorando su habilidad no importando que tan avanzada sea, esto les permitirá esparcirse y darse cuenta de lo que son capas de hacer.
A new day, a new sketch.
My name is Jacob and I am and amateur illustrator. This blog's intention will be a growing artistic resource, from my own skills and stories, for those who've chosen to embrace their artistic inspirations both inside and outside of the art room.
To those who find themselves sketching on their phones, or doodling across every notebook or spare paper available, this blog is for you. Perhaps your drawing fingers are already calloused by years of sketching. Or perhaps you've only dabbled in the art world and would like to improve upon your skills. In either case, i feel that sharing my skills as an illustrator can help both the professional and the curious alike. Within the week i will start off the blog with its first topic, In the meantime, you're welcome to subscribe, ask questions and share your thoughts.
Thanks you for your interest.
Tip: Draw everyday, It doesn't matter what you draw, just draw something. The act of drawing every day builds a good habit and helps your skills improve more quickly.
Recuerden: Dibujar todos los días los ayuda a ir mejorando su habilidad no importando que tan avanzada sea, esto les permitirá esparcirse y darse cuenta de lo que son capas de hacer.
A new day, a new sketch.
My name is Jacob and I am and amateur illustrator. This blog's intention will be a growing artistic resource, from my own skills and stories, for those who've chosen to embrace their artistic inspirations both inside and outside of the art room.
To those who find themselves sketching on their phones, or doodling across every notebook or spare paper available, this blog is for you. Perhaps your drawing fingers are already calloused by years of sketching. Or perhaps you've only dabbled in the art world and would like to improve upon your skills. In either case, i feel that sharing my skills as an illustrator can help both the professional and the curious alike. Within the week i will start off the blog with its first topic, In the meantime, you're welcome to subscribe, ask questions and share your thoughts.
Thanks you for your interest.
Tip: Draw everyday, It doesn't matter what you draw, just draw something. The act of drawing every day builds a good habit and helps your skills improve more quickly.
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